Labs, Experiments and Tons of Fun! Sign up and watch our kids show off their MAD SCIENTIST skills at Science & Engineering Night!
This year, the event will take place on Thursday, May 11th from 6:00 – 8:00 at school. Students can either sign up to do a project, or just attend to participate in all the fun. Sign-ups for student projects go through April 26th!
Kids can present any project related to science and engineering: demos, research projects, computer programs, building, science experiment, etc. Students can work on their own, as a team, or with family members. The idea is for kids to have fun researching and exploring a particular topic they find interesting!
You can sign up your student from now until April 26th through ONE of the following ways:
1. Fill out the online form OR
2. Return the form by kidmail to the office to “Science and Engineering Night.”
VR Science and Eng Night sign-up form 2017
If parents have questions, contact Shawn. If you would like to volunteer for the event, please reach out to Dave.
For fun science fair ideas, see below for a few resources: