Thanks to everyone who attended the November PTA meeting – the input, discussion and ideas generated are critical to our success as a parent organization. Official meeting minutes and monthly treasurer reports can be found on the PTA website. A few highlights from the meeting:
- Walk N Roll was a huge success, exceeding the goal amount by a good margin.
- Review of specific progress for this year’s goals of (1) Share Resources; (2) Promote View Ridge; (3) Ensure Program & Volunteer Sustainability; and (4) Support District Goals of Equity & Inclusiveness. To further these goals, the PTA will support parent focus groups aimed at increasing equity, access and inclusiveness for both PTA-sponsored events and the school community overall. The PTA is also looking at ways to improve school tours and new family outreach to increase interest in and connections to the school.
- The PTA is actively supporting efforts by the View Ridge Community Council to increase traffic and pedestrian safety in the neighborhood. For more information, follow the VRCC on Facebook or email Robert Johnson.
- The Holiday Giving Tree will provide support to thirty View Ridge families, providing a book, item of clothing and toy for each child in the family, plus grocery gift cards. The PTA is also coordinating food support for the Magnuson Community Center day camps during the winter holiday break.
- Presentation by Ms. McLane of emergency preparedness procedures at school, including student reunification plans in the event of a large scale emergency during school hours.
The next PTA meeting is Tuesday, December 5 at 7:00pm in the library. All parents are encouraged to attend.