To all rising Fifth Graders returning in the fall:
Ever want to design a View Ridge t-shirt? One that everyone wears?
Next fall’s Walk-n-Roll will be held on Thursday, October 11, and that’s right, we will need an inspiring t-shirt design. Why not get a head start and work on it over the summer! Interested yet? Ready to get started? Here are the details:
T-Shirt Design Contest Guidelines:
- Design must use white 8.5” x 11” paper (letter size)
- Artwork must be oriented lengthwise (landscape format)
- Remember, the design is only for the front of the t-shirt
- No more than three colors, plus black and white, may be used in the design
Submissions will be accepted starting in September. Final deadline will be Friday September 14th, 2018.
Questions? Contact Philip Miner