Parents of rising 5th graders heading to Eckstein: The Eckstein PTSA Board needs YOU!
We have many board and committee positions to be filled, and we want YOU to get involved!
Open positions include:
Vice President/President Elect: Attend PTSA meetings once per month. Support the PTSA president. The VP will assume the Presidency in 2020-2021.
Eckstein Annual Campaign Co-Chair: Supports the annual fundraising drive for in-class support.
Fundraising Chair: Manage the SCRIP and BoxTops fundraisers for the PTSA.
Staff Appreciation Chair: Organize staff appreciation activities (typically in December and May).
Meetings are once a month on Monday nights. This is a great way to learn about Eckstein and do essential work to support our kids and their teachers. We’d like to have all positions filled by our June General Meeting, which will be held on June 10th in the Eckstein Library. Contact April Wright , Shelley Prosise, or Amanda Franklin for more information!