Please join us for a socially distanced park play date to meet other parents from View Ridge Elementary School! This will be a chance to meet other parents and children to meet some of their new classmates. The playgrounds may still be closed, so bring a scooter, soccer ball, etc. to join in the fun.
**We will be meeting near the corner of 45th Street and NE 70th Street. There will be a “VRE” sign to indicate where we are!
Monday, August 31: 5:30-7, Magnusen park; 7400 Sand Point Way NE
**We will be meeting near the SW corner of the playground on the grass area by the covered tables. There will be a “VRE” sign to indicate where we are! Bring a picnic dinner if you’d like!
**The main parking lot for the park has been closed so you may need to find street parking.