View Ridge Elementary’s community thrives on the participation of volunteers in our community. Join us on field trips, in the office, website management, setting up for events, assisting teachers, and more! If you’re already approved to volunteer and ready to sign up for a job, click on over to our Member Planet page for opportunities:
PTA Volunteer Opportunities
How to Volunteer IN-PERSON at View Ridge Elementary
To volunteer at View Ridge Elementary, proceed with our three-step process:
- Get approved by SPS. Click here to complete the SPS volunteer application, update your school selection, or check your approval status. Once you are approved, you will be assigned a volunteer ID number. Please indicate your ID number on the sign in sheet each time you arrive at school to volunteer. A list of the approved volunteers and ID numbers will be available at the office.
- Join the View Ridge Elementary PTA (recommended, but not required). The PTA’s insurance policy may help protect PTA members from personal liability arising from volunteering activities at PTA-sponsored events.
- Sign up! See our current volunteer needs on our Member Planet page or email volunteer@viewridgschool.org
May Lunch & Recess Sign-up
Summer Volunteer Opportunities & Events
2022-2023 PTA Roles and Volunteer Opportunities
Sign Up Here
Supporting the View Ridge Elementary School community starts with supporting our PTA. We are looking for volunteers — in whatever capacity — whether it is a leadership position or a occasional volunteer.
Whether you are interested in advocating for public schools at the state level, supporting families in need in our community, or helping a school-wide event, we are happy to have you join us.
We understand that we all have different access and capacity, but we encourage you to get involved in the school community to help foster and support our community.
July and August Events
Beautification Committee
All are welcome – Kids, community partners, neighbors, and more!
We’ll be weeding, picking up litter, clearing beds in the children’s garden, and getting the campus ready for the first day of school. Please bring gloves, any tools, and shovels available.
Yard waste bags will be provided, along with coffee, juice, donuts. and music! Please reach out to Sarah Rathbone
This is a two-day event to reach community members on the evening and weekend! Meet over by the shed by the 4th and 5th-grade playground
Thursday, September 1st from 4-6PM
Saturday, September 4th from 9-11AM
Garden and Watering
Sign up to Help Keep our Grounds Clean
SPS has 5 gardeners for 35 schools. Most of the time, they don’t have the time to do any work outside of mowing and trimming.
Are you around this summer? Role Modeling Community Service is the key to helping develop our kiddos into thoughtful stewards of the environment, community and leadership.
Come support our community-supported effort on keeping our trees watered and our school grounds clean.
Sign up here for Watering and Litter Patrol
It takes a village to support our After School Enrichment. Right now, we are currently looking for 4-10 Adult Volunteers to support our after school entrichment.
What does that entail? Making sure that kids get to the right classes or have an adult pick them up after the vendors are done.
We have After School Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, but we need a community of adults to support with check in and administration.
Can you help?
Email volunteer@viewridgeschool.org
Support the Yearbook Committee! We need volunteer photographers and people who can do some layout work.
Contact Chair Jen Beaverson to help!
Ongoing Volunteer Support
Where: Saint Stephen’s Church 4805 NE 45th St.
Great Hall-Take the easternmost stairs down.
View Ridge Elementary continues to provide weekend food bags through the school year to EMS and the feeder elementary schools. To sign up to deliver, please visit
Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church is providing space for assembling and storing weekend food bags.
Please sign up. Thank you for supporting our students.
(Everyone should take appropriate safety measurers – social distancing, use of hand sanitizer, and mask.)
09/01 Vaccinated Library Volunteers needed!
Last year many of you volunteered to help in the library, but I now have a request from our SPS tech support, Michael to help clean them!
If you have the time and desire, here’s hoping for a few parents who are child free and available around 9:30 am on 9/1.
Please email Ms. Young at amyoung@seattleschools.org
Get approved as an SPS Volunteer and email volunteer@viewridgeschool.org