Last Friday, March 4 was the last day for bills to pass out of the opposite house and there has been some important movement on legislation related to schools and students.
Student Mental and Behavioral Health. HB 1834, which allows for student mental health absences, is headed to the governor’s desk. House bill 1800, which increases access to behavioral health services for minors, and 1664, which adjusts the formula for physical, social and emotional support in schools, have passed both chambers but need to have some conflicting amendments resolved before they can be signed.
School Funding. Washington State PTA top priority, HB 1590, which provides enrollment stabilization and funding consistency for schools during the pandemic, has passed in both chambers but was amended in the Senate, so will go back to the House for concurrence.
Language Access. HB 1153, which increases language access in schools, has also passed both chambers and will be headed to concurrence for amendments, and then hopefully to the governor’s desk!
The 2022 Session is expected to wrap-up this Friday as legislators hopefully come to agreement on a supplemental budget and bills that need amendments resolved.