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Зургийн өдрийг дахин авах

2022 оны 12 сарын 1-ний өглөөний 8:00 цагт - 14:30

Picture retake day and classroom photos are happening on December 1st!
If your student was absent on picture day, they can have their picture taken on December 1st! Families need to make sure to order a picture package online at www.dorianstudio.com эсвэл оффисоос өгсөн зургийн дугтуйг ашиглана уу. Хэрэв танд илүү хэрэгтэй бол оффис нэмэлт зүйлтэй.
If you have a student who would like a picture retake, please have your student bring to school their original picture package on December 1st,  and they will have a new photo taken.

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

2022 оны 12 сарын 1
Өглөө 8:00 - 14.30
Үйл явдал ангилал:


Ridge Elementary -ийг үзэх