Prioritizing of caregivers/parents of individuals (both adults and children) with disabilities in the Phase 1a (Tier 1) vaccine category: Specifically, for caregivers: eligible caregivers (licensed, unlicensed, paid, unpaid, formal, or informal) who support the daily, functional and health needs of another individual who is at high risk for COVID 19 illness due to advanced age, long term physical condition, co morbidities, or development or intellectual disability. For the caregiver (can be an adult or child) to be eligible, the care recipient (full document located here):
- Must be someone who needs caregiving support for their daily, functioning, and health needs.
- For dependent minor children, the caregiver is eligible if that child has an underlying health condition or disability that puts them at high risk for severe COVID 19 illness. For example: a caregiver of a minor child with Down syndrome.
In addition, Governor Inslee announced on March 4 changes to the COVID 1 9 vaccine
prioritization, including prioritization of individuals (ages 16 or older) with disabilities. People who have a disability that puts them at high risk for severe COVID 19 illness will now be eligible in Phase 1B (Tier 2), tentatively scheduled for March 22, 2021.
We’re excited that parents and caregivers are being given prioritized access to this vaccine.
Click here for next steps and to find a vaccine provider near you!