More information on after school enrichment, including classes offered and dates available can be found here: https://www.hof-
Classes are available to currently enrolled View Ridge students only.
Need-based Scholarships: Need-based scholarships are available! You can email nojungbluth@seattleschools.org or you can enroll normally at the Hall of Fame website and check the box requesting a scholarship.
Need-based Scholarships: Need-based scholarships are available! You can email nojungbluth@seattleschools.org. Early registration for scholarship recipients is also available, contact by 1/10 to receive that option, or you can enroll normally at the Hall of Fame website and check the box requesting a scholarship.
Important! Enrichment classes are independently run. Parents should not inquire with the office staff about after-school classes!
Contact your after school coordinators with general enrichment questions.
In order to participate in the after-school program, parents and students must agree to abide by the following policies:
Attendance: Parents are responsible for reminding their children of after-school activities and for Kindergartners, for notifying their classroom teacher about an after-school activity. If your child is home sick or will be absent from an after school activity, please notify us at alexandra.denby@gmail.com.
Transition time from school day to enrichment activities: Registered students go directly to the lunchroom at 3:25 p.m. for attendance and snacks. Then class instructors escort students to their enrichment classrooms.
Code of conduct: Students are expected to maintain the same behavioral standard that they would have during the formal school day. If a child is consistently disruptive and prevents the instructor from conducting class, the enrichment provider/instructor reserves the right to ask the child to drop the class. Parents will be given a formal warning before these measures are taken.
Pick up policy: For after-school activities, parents are expected to arrive by 4:40 p.m. for pickup. If you are going to be late, contact the enrichment provider and/or parent volunteer as soon as possible. (The enrichment provider, rather than the school office and PTA, is responsible to supervise students until pickup.) If parents are more than 5 minutes late, or are repeatedly late, enrichment providers may charge a fee or suspend enrollment, depending on the circumstances and the enrichment provider’s policy.
Allergies: Parents of students with severe allergies are responsible for contacting the enrichment provider/instructor in order to develop a formal health concern plan.
Interested in offering classes? See our description of steps to take.