This information is also available on the school website at https://viewridgees.seattleschools.org/about/safety
We are focused on your child’s safety:
- Please stay calm, support each other, and give us time to set up.
- Our plan is most efficient when you let us do our jobs without interruption.
- No student will be released to an *unapproved or unverified adult.
- We document every student who is checked out, who they went with, and where they went.
(Medically trained people who want to aid injured students need to show verification of medical skills and photo ID to the “check-out” staff for approval.)
PARENTS/*AUTHORIZED ADULTS: (All materials you’ll need are in bins on the church driveway)
1: Bring photo ID with you.
Walk to church parking lot on 48th ave NE. Access only allowed by foot from NE 70th St. No cars will be allowed in the church parking lot since it will be filled with people.
2. Make a last name sign. ONLY write your child’s last name. Print neatly with LARGE CAPITAL LETTERS. (Add a symbol/design if the last name is common)
3. Fill in the TOP PORTION of the student release form. One form per family. (If picking up student/s from another family, fill out a separate form and name sign for them.)
4. Line up behind the cone with the letters matching your child’s last name
5. Hand your last name sign, photo ID, and student release form to check-in staff. (If picking up student/s outside of your immediate family, hand items listed above to the correct check-in staff. While staff processes your forms, fill out the student release log.
6. Once cleared, line up behind the cones in the waiting area. When your name sign is held up, give your photo ID to the check-out person and fill out the bottom of the student release form.
If your student is in the first aid area, you will get a pass with directions. (Siblings will remain under teacher supervision until an authorized person checks them out. A friend can accompany you partway to the first aid area.)
7. You’ll receive a stamp to show you’ve been checked out to your child/children properly. Then your child/children will be released from our care to yours.
*Authorized adults are those listed on the emergency release form filled out at the start of your student’s school year.
View Ridge Process for Student Releases
Regular student release:
Please sign your child out in the office. Office staff will contact the appropriate teacher, and your child will meet you in the office.
Mass release within the school building:
If there is a situation where the whole school will be released early, and the building is safe to remain within, the office will likely be overwhelmed with parents signing out their student/s. In this case, go to your child/s pick-up area, show photo ID, and sign the teacher’s school release form.