Classroom assignment notification by email
Do we have your correct email address in our system? This year families will receive their classroom assignment information emailed to them from their teacher at the end of day Thursday, August 31st so if your email address has changed, please send your correct email address to Rae Keyes at rkkeyes@seattleschools.org as soon as possible. If you received School Messenger email messages from the school last year, then we should have your email address.
The Source: Create your account today!
The Source provides student data like attendance, assessment scores, library info, classes, etc. The district will increasingly utilize The Source as a tool and resource for parents so all families are encouraged to create their account. To create an account, please visit http://ps.seattleschools.org and use your email address on record for your student at View Ridge. If you already have a Source account, please note that after 2/1/2018 you will only be able to access it with a username that matches an email address on record at View Ridge.
Online Data Verification from 9/6/17 to 9/30/17
No paper Student Verification Form in your student’s First Day Packet this year. In an effort to go green and better protect your information, this fall Seattle Public Schools will provide parents with an ONLINE opportunity to verify and update demographic, emergency and medical information in the student database system including home address, mailing address, phone number, parent contacts, emergency contacts, doctor’s name, etc. Typically this information is printed up on the Student Verification Form (also called Data Sheet) in tiny print and sent home to families with the first day packet of important forms. Parents will need a Source account in order to access the online verification system. If you do not have a Source account, it can be easily created but you will need to use the email address in the school database system in order to create an account. Some things to note: this online data verification process can only be completed once per school year per student; it will be available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Chinese; it is accessible from mobile devices; and the district will be sending out an email to parents with a link on September 6th. If for some reason you are unable to complete the online verification, please ask the office for a hard copy form.