The Global Reading Challenge is an annual battle of the books program that View Ridge 4th & 5th graders may choose to participate in. Although all 4th & 5th graders are eligible for the Global Reading Challenge, it is important to note that once a child signs up, s/he is committed for the entire season – Nov. – March. Students meet weekly at lunch in their teams, study together, and become experts on the 10 books chosen by the Seattle Public Library.
If you think your child may be interested in signing up, please speak with her/him to see if it will be a good fit. Does your child like to reread novels? Is your child willing to miss lunch recess once a week for up to 5 months? Is your child willing to work on a mix grade/ability team with students from other classrooms? Is there enough time in your child’s schedule to read 2-4 novels multiple times before the February 8th in-school challenge? If this does seem like a program for your child, please download the form here or pick up a paper copy in the library.
Forms must be returned by Nov. 7th.
Questions? Please email Amy Young