Labs, Experiments and Tons of Fun! Sign up and watch our kids show off their MAD SCIENTIST skills at Science & Engineering Night!
This year, the event will take place on Thursday, February 15 from 6:00 – 8:00 at school. Students can either sign up to do a project, or just attend to participate in all the fun. Sign-ups for projects is available through February 2!
Also new this year, for those students who may want to present their project in a more calm, quieter environment, we have created an early session from 5:30 – 6:00. Please look for this option on both the online and paper forms.
Kids can present any project related to science and engineering: demos, research projects, computer programs, building, science experiment, etc. Students can work on their own, as a team, or with family members. The idea is for kids to have fun researching and exploring a particular topic they find interesting!
You can sign up your student from now until February 2 through ONE of the following ways:
- Fill out the online form OR
- Return the form by kidmail to the office to “Science and Engineering Night.”
VR Science and Eng Night sign-up form 2018
Questions about the event please contact Shawn. If you would like to volunteer for the event, please reach out to Dave.
For fun science fair ideas, see below for a few resources: