We have experienced an unfortunate situation today in which some people have received phishing/scam emails which LOOK like they have come from the PTA, but they indeed have not!
These emails are asking people to either 1) go buy Amazon gift cards, take pictures of the codes, and send a text message with a picture of the cards/codes to a different phone number, or, 2) Write checks on behalf of the PTA and send to some other address.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE NEVER EVER give money to anyone in this fashion! The PTA would NEVER ask you for money in this way.
If you have received any emails like this, please do not respond to them, but please do feel free to let Erin or I know. If you have sent money to anyone today, PLEASE TELL US RIGHT AWAY. We are working to remedy the situation and will do anything we can to help you recoup your money!
Everyone, please enjoy a safe and cozy weekend in the snow, and don’t forget to support the Seattle Public Schools and vote to replace the levies this Tuesday. Get your ballots in early so they don’t get lost in the snow!
Julie Gordon & Erin Thakkar, PTA Co-Presidents
JQGordon@gmail.com & erinthakkar@yahoo.com