Greetings and happy end of year to all of our Otter Families! On behalf of the PTA exec board, allow me to say it has been an absolutely wonderful year. We did so many fun things together! There was so much learning, many new friendships, lots of adventures, and a lot of growing our community together. We are sad to say goodbye to some friends and teachers, but also will look forward to saying hello to new friends come next year.
Over the summer, don’t forget your View Ridge friends! Stay connected via View Ridge Community Council and View Ridge Elementary PTA groups on Facebook. Updates will be listed there with Kindergarten playdates, days that Amy Young will be checking out books at View Ridge Park, and other gatherings.
We hope your summers are full of friendship, sun, and relaxation! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me this summer if you have questions or ideas!
Peace out!
Julie Gordon, PTA Co-Prez