View Ridge Elementary School 3-5th Grade Choir Guidelines
Links to forms and other choir options below.
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If you are a boy or girl student in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade and you love to sing, the View Ridge Choir could be the place for you. But I must have a total commitment from you before you sign up. You must also realize that if you don’t follow up with behavior that benefits the choir as a whole, you will be asked to leave the group. Based on previous years’ behavior, these are some of the guidelines that are expected of you and your behavior:
- You want to be here to sing with the View Ridge Choir. This is not a place for free childcare. This choir is for kids who love to sing and want to be in a singing group. If you are a student whose parent signed you up but you don’t want to be here (and your behavior shows me that you don’t want to be here) you will be asked to leave.
- You show up to most Tuesday rehearsals and are happy to be here. You will not be permitted to do homework during your time with me. If you are sick or have an appointment, those are excusable absences.
- You do not talk to your friends during rehearsals. It is wonderful to sing with friends after school, but you will be asked to leave the group if you are repeatedly asked to stop talking during rehearsal time. The “three strikes, you’re out “procedure will apply.
- You will do your best during performances and try to “blend in” with the other choir members. Singing in a choir is for people who like to use their voice to blend with the other singers they are singing with to make one big, beautiful sound. You will behave in ways that don’t make the audience members notice you because of your negative facial expressions/body language/ or talking to your neighbors.
If you want to sign up, please download this Guidelines form and this Sign-up form send them back to Ms. Lacambra.
Information about other Choral Groups for Kids
The Northwest Girls Choir: http://www.northwestgirlchoir.org/
The Seattle Girls Choir: http://seattlegirlschoir.org/
Pacifica Choirs: http://pacificachoirs.org/