Please use our First day packet checklist 22-23 to ensure all required forms are submitted.
Welcome to View Ridge Elementary! VRE is now PAPERLESS for all first day forms! In efforts to keep environmentally friendly all first day packet forms can be found online, please use this checklist to ensure all required forms are submitted. Thank you in advance for completing these forms!
Paper copies available upon request. View Ridge Office: (206)252-5600 or dbkoenig@seattleschools.org
Links for forms that are provided by the Seattle Public Schools
SPS Start of School Forms SPS District Forms (Archive)Checklist and One Click Bundle available by 08/25/2022
Checklist PDF with Hyper Links (VRE PTA UPDATED 8/25/22) Click Here for ALL PDF (1-Click Bundle)Start of School Required Forms
To access View Ridge School forms: https://viewridgees.seattleschools.org/resources/forms/
REQUIRED FOR ALL : Emergency Information and Student Release Form & Technology Forms
The other forms are needed at the start of school and only if applicable.
Return Options
1. Print, Complete and bring back to the school during office hours.
2. Fill out, save & email to Denise Koening at dbkoening@seattleschools.org
3. Don’t have access to a printer, request a paper copy from Denise Koening, you can email her at dbkoening@seattleschools.org or call the View Ridge office at 206-252-5600
The Seattle Public Schools online student data verification is now available. This is used to verify your student’s demographic information, emergency contact information, and other data. Previously, this was a paper form completed at the start of every school year. Now, you will use The Source to access this form.
The 2022-23 student data verification form will be available from Sept. 14 – 30. Parents and guardians use this form to update emergency contact and medical information for their student.
New to The Source? The Source provides access to student record information such as attendance, assessment scores, library information and now the student data verification form!
To set up an account, parents and guardians use the email address that is currently on record at their student’s school. Read more about The Source including how to set up your account.
NOTE: Only one form can be submitted per student. If your student has more than one legal guardian on record with the district, the guardian who starts filling out the data verification form first will be the only one able to submit a form. The other guardian may receive an error message saying that the verification process has already been started.
How do I get started?
Visit https://ps.
Select the student whose information you would like to verify along the top
Select the Data Verification Form on the left side (on mobile devices and small screens, click the small blue arrow to see the menu)
Agree to the terms and conditions
Click Begin Forms
I can’t remember my login for the PowerSchool Parent Portal/Source.
Please visit our account recovery page to retrieve your username or password.Do I have to answer all the questions?
Questions marked with “required” need to be answered.What if I make a mistake?
If you would like to make a change prior to submitting the form, you can either navigate back to the page using the “Prev” and “Next” buttons or if you are on the Review page click on the underlined field. If you have already submitted the form you will need to contact your student’s school so they can make the changes for you.I’ve completed the form, now what?
Once you have finished entering your information click “Submit.” If you cannot click on this button you will need to make sure that you have answered all required questions.What if I have more than one student in the district? Do I need to do this for each child?
Yes, you will need to fill out a form for each child. We recommend that you complete and submit one form and then start another. This will allow you to “snap” (or copy over) selected family information, which saves you time.Help! I’m on the form and I’m having technical difficulties.
For technical support, please use the Enrollment Family Support chat or call 866-752-6850.
Emergency Information and Student Release Form (English, Link to PDF)
This form lists the official information that is in the student information system for your student. This is vital for knowing who your student can be released to in an emergency and to ensure all health information is up to date for your student. This information can be reviewed and changes must be made online through the Source every year.
Contacts on this form should be people who will be able to pick up your child in the event of an emergency. An aunt in Tacoma, for example, may not be the best contact if a regional emergency results in impassable highways.
Translated Versions
How to Return the Document :
Return Options
1. Print, Complete and bring back to the school during office hours.
2. Fill out, save & email to Denise Koening at dbkoening@seattleschools.org
3. Don’t have access to a printer, request a paper copy from Denise Koening, you can email her at dbkoening@seattleschools.org or call the View Ridge office at 206-252-5600
4. Please go to the Source Online, login and set up an account
Source > 2021-2022 Data Verification Form (Bottom Right)
Due Oct 1 :Family Educational Rights and Privacy ActFamily Educational Rights and Privacy Act Form (ENGLISH)
FERPA – Due Oct 1st
This form is only required if you choose to opt out.
This form explains what certain rights parents/guardians of students under the age of 18 have with respect to the student’s education records. You also have the right to choose whether your student’s information is released or not. Your student will be automatically opted in unless this form is completed by October 1st.
Seattle Public Schools is committed to making its online information accessible and usable to all people, regardless of ability or technology. Meeting web accessibility guidelines and standards is an ongoing process that we are consistently working to improve.
While Seattle Public Schools endeavors to only post documents optimized for accessibility, due to the nature and complexity of some documents, an accessible version of the document may not be available. In these limited circumstances, the District will provide equally effective alternate access.
For questions and more information about this document, please contact the following:
Lillian Nolan
School-Based Operations
This form is used to grant consent or deny consent for release of student information to the directory per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Translated Links (currently 2021-2022, will update links when new ones)
If your child does not currently receive 504 services or is not disabled, you do not need to complete this form. This survey should be filled out if you think your child has a disability or if you have documentation that your child is disabled (and is NOT currently served by Special Education) and needs some help from the School District to benefit from his or her educational experience.
For questions and more information about this document, please contact the following: The Section 504 Program Coordinator with the overall responsibility for monitoring, auditing, and ensuring compliance with these policies is Shanon Lewis, MS 31-681, P.O. Box 34165, Seattle, Washington 98124-1165; (206) 252-0885.
Links to June 2020 forms
Return Options
1. Print, Complete and bring back to the school during office hours.
2. Fill out, save & email to Denise Koening at dbkoening@seattleschools.org
3. Don’t have access to a printer, request a paper copy from Denise Koening, you can email her at dbkoening@seattleschools.org or call the View Ridge office at 206-252-5600
McKinney Vento Student Housing QuestionnaireThis form helps identify people who may be experiencing homelessness or an unstable living arrangement.
Return only if applicable
Return Options
1. Print, Complete and bring back to the school during office hours.
2. Fill out, save & email to Denise Koening at dbkoening@seattleschools.org
3. Don’t have access to a printer, request a paper copy from Denise Koening, you can email her at dbkoening@seattleschools.org or call the View Ridge office at 206-252-5600
Title VI ED 506 Indian Student Eligibility Certification FormThis form serves as the official record of eligibility determination for each individual child included in the student count for the Title VI Indian Education Formula Grant Program. If you choose to submit a form, your child could be counted for funding under the program.
Link to PDF
Return Options
1. Print, Complete and bring back to the school during office hours.
2. Fill out, save & email to Denise Koening at dbkoening@seattleschools.org
3. Don’t have access to a printer, request a paper copy from Denise Koening, you can email her at dbkoening@seattleschools.org or call the View Ridge office at 206-252-5600
Free and Reduced Lunch
Free and Reduced Price Meals
Applying for School Meal Benefits
2022-23 Free and Reduced Meal Application available on August 1, 2022
Students approved for free and reduced price meals may be eligible to receive reduced fees for the following programs:
- Event Fees
- Field Trips
- Advanced Placement Tests
- Running Start Books
- Associated Student Body (ASB) Fees
- Pre-College Exams (PSAT/SAT/ACT)
- College Application Fees
Important SPS Additional Information
Access information that might be needed for families to access their scholar’s needs at View Ridge Elementary
Free & Reduced Lunch Online ApplicationLearn more about Free and Reduced School Meal Benefits
and get more support.
Application available 08/01/2022
SchoolPay – Login via The SourceWhat is SchoolPay? It is online system to pay for school fees like book fines and school field trips.
Volunteer at SPSVolunteering at View Ridge helps support our community school. Learn how you can help and be in service of the View Ridge community.
The SourcePlease create a Source account as soon as possible. Online data verification (Where you could add emergency contacts, change your contact info, etc.) will only be accessible through the Source from September 3th through 30th
PTA Information
View Ridge Elementary School PTA is a great way to get involved with the school community, keep up to date on school activities, and create a welcoming environment for our student community. All are Welcome!
PTA WELCOME LETTERA note from our PTA Co-Presidents
On behalf of the View Ridge PTA allow us to say WELCOME! While many things have been uncertain, please be sure that we are so glad to have you here! This will definitely be a year different than the last, and we hope that we can continue to support our school community, both virtually and creatively! This will surely be a year that requires flexibility and patience for all!
The First Day Packet is full of information! Please return all of the Seattle School District forms to your teacher by the date listed on the top of the checklist (they will help coordinate how best to do that in our virtual world). Please note that AFTER SCHOOL ENRICHMENT will be coming back this fall, as well as many other family activities. If you are particularly passionate about these activities, please reach out to volunteer@viewridgeschool.org.
Also, we have shared a planned PTA calendar, but dates and format may change as the year progresses. Thank you for your understanding and communicating what activities or support are most beneficial to your family.
This is a very busy and exciting time of year. We want to make sure that if you have questions, please ask! The PTA is here to help, and we love talking about our school and supporting families.
We have a lot going on here at View Ridge, and we continuously strive to support our students and community in as many ways as we can. We look forward to seeing returning families and meeting new families!
Best wishes for a great year!
Kelsey Danner and Casey White
PTA Calendar for 2022-2023 School YearView Ridge PTA will use a “living” calendar
Please click the bottom right link to “Subscribe”
PTA Volunteer OpportunitiesClick here to fill out our survey
View Ridge Elementary is an amazing school because of the community of families. We welcome all families to help in the coming year with events, committees, or school projects. It’s a great way to engage with the community and support the students.
If you have any questions about the opportunities listed, please contact the 2022-2023 PTA Volunteer Coordinators:
Fundraising Letter 2022-2023Dear View Ridge families,
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! With the start of the school year, comes the start of fundraising for our PTA. So let’s get right down to it. This letter will cover why we need to fundraise, the importance of getting involved in the PTA, and a link to a survey about what kind of fundraising you would like to see.
Why do we have to fundraise?
In short, we fundraise for two reasons:
1. Staffing. This is where 85%+ of our fund-raising goes. Seattle School District does NOT cover all of View Ridge’s staffing needs. In years past, the PTA has supplemented staffing expenses to the tune of $200,000. For 2022-2023, we were able to give $139,000. Because View Ridge is a Tier 4 school (more information about that here), we receive the least financial support from the district. That means positions such as librarian, nurse, ELL, are only partially funded from the district – some half time or less. These funds ensure we keep these programs at our schools, keep our talented teachers, and give our students adequate support from the counselor, reading specialist, music and more.
2. The PTA’s operating expenses. For 2022-2023, we have budgeted just under $35,000 for our general operating expenses, a slight decrease from previous years. This covers the events that the PTA puts on or supports (picnic in the park, Boo Ridge, assemblies, 4th grade Camp Orkila trip, field day, 5th grade promotion, and more), as well as reimbursements to teachers for classroom supplies and books, education materials and speakers for families, family support, staff appreciation, and miscellaneous other expenses. For all the ways the PTA supports the school, we run very lean.
While we are focused on advocacy to increase funding for public schools, change is not likely to happen anytime soon. If we want to keep these crucial staff members, we must continue to fundraise. Last year, we raised about $100,000, and supplemented that with some savings from past, more profitable years. That will not be an option this year as our excess savings are now nearly drained. Between operating expenses and staffing, in order to match this year, we need to raise approximately $175,000 over the next six months.
Enrollment has trended down at View Ridge, and across public schools in Seattle. We have 315 students enrolled for 2022-2023, down from 350 for 2021-2022, and 420 students in 2020-2021. We receive funding from the district in the amount of $16,924 per student. That’s almost $600,000 in funding lost just since last year.
What does this mean for families? Well, to fund our operating expenses for next year and supplement staffing in the same range that we were able to this year, we’d need every student to donate $555. We know not every family can donate that much, and many cannot donate at all. And that’s OK! Every View Ridge family is valuable and you can help our community by volunteering, showing up at events, or just by supporting your student from home. (By the way, most, if not all, PTA events will be free for all to attend.) But for those who are willing and able to donate, please consider doing so this year. Our fundraising website can be found here: https://www.viewridgeschool.org/en/otter-fund/. We also accept checks anytime.
What do YOU want?
In the past, the View Ridge PTA has put on large scale events such as an in-person auction to fundraise. This was wildly successful in years past, raising in the range of $150,000 – $185,000 between 2012 and 2016, for example. We’ve also done smaller fundraising events like Walk n’ Roll, which raised about $30,000. We have not put on either of these the past three years, choosing instead to ask for direct donations. We are surveying families to determine interest in an auction or other events this year. If you are able to donate $10, or $100, or $1000 – would you rather spend that money on an auction item, and enjoy a fun night out with other families, or simply donate directly? A mix of direct donations and fundraising events? Or do you have another idea? We want to hear from you! Please fill out the survey here or a hard copy that came home with this letter in Kidmail, which can be returned to the PTA box in office via Kidmail.
Link to our Otter Fund
Class Roster SurveyClass Roster is an optional PTA Communication tool to connect our community.
School Communications are important to create our community and support families.
Our strongest communication is through our Room Parents. Please fill out the survey and help us connect our school with our community.