Welcome to the View Ridge Elementary School PTA
If you are new to PTA or the school, we have plenty of opportunities for you. Filling out the Survey helps us align you with the community or committees that you are interested in supporting.
View Ridge PTA Board of Directors
Please visit this page to find out which positions are open.
Volunteer At View Ridge Elementary
Want to explore what opportunities are available? Fill out this Survey!
View Ridge Elementary is dependent upon the community support of volunteers. From events to in-building support to communications and leadership, we need your help to serve our community.
Please click Here to find out what opportunities are available.
If you want to be a building volunteer or the classroom, you need to be an SPS Volunteer.
There is a background check fee. If this is a barrier, please contact volunteer@viewridgeschool.org and we can reimburse you for the cost for in-building volunteers.
If you are unsure of your status, contact Denise at the front office dbkoenig@seattleschools.org
IN School Volunteer
Lunchroom & Recess Support (In Person)
Lunch / Recess – September Sign up here!
Time Commitment :
- Lunch 30 minutes to 1 hour
- Recess 30 minutes
We need about 1-2 people per shift
View Ridge Elementary School is asking for some help with lunch, especially with the kindergarteners. They struggle with opening their lunches. We don’t have to do as much in terms of maintaining social distance.
The Kindergarteners have lunch from 10:20-10:40
Recess with the 1-3 graders would be helpful since they are all in the primary playground together.
It would be nice to have this help in September as the kids adjust to their new schedule.
If you have the capacity to help out, it would be greatly appreciated.
Click HERE to sign up for September
Our school needs support. Ask your teacher directly on how you can support your classroom.
There is always help needed from photocopy, room parent, scholastic news, snacks and more.
Sometimes our buildings need help.
If you would like to be an office support, library helper, Nurse helper, Picture Day, PE helper or art helper… let us know!
In School Volunteer
PTA Events
Boo Ridge Committee (Event : October)
We are excited to bring back one of or favorite events.. Boo Ridge!
Boo Ridge is our in-person, free event for the community. According to our A-Z Guide, Boo Ridge: Fall carnival and community builder full of games and fun. Normally held on the Friday closest to Halloween, October 31st.
If you are interested in supporting this event, reach out to Volunteer@Viewridgeschool.org
4 Delegates to Legislative Assembly (Oct 15 – 16)
Legislative Assembly 2022
Are you interested in politics? Did you know the heart of PTA’s 125 history is actually rooted in grass roots organizing and advocating to legislators about the needs to children?
View Ridge Elementary PTA can send 4 delegates to assembly.
Are you interested in talking to state legislators on things that matter to our community?
The 2022 Voter Guide :
- Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Climate Change
- Increasing Education Equity by Closing the Digital Divide
- Increasing Support for Equitable Family Engagement
- Preventing and Reducing Gun Violence and Suicide
- Improving Equitable Identification and Access for Highly Capable Students
- Supporting a Meaningful High School Diploma
- Harnessing the Benefits of Mastery-based Learning
- Addressing the Student Mental Health Crisis
- Building and Maintaining Safer School Facilities
- Expanding School Construction Funding Options
- Addressing Critical Gaps in Education Funding
- Addressing Funding, Inclusion, and Supports in Special Education
- Creating a Diverse and Effective Educator Workforce
Planning is now underway for WSPTA’s 44th annual Legislative Assembly, October 15-16, which will be unlike any before it!
At its heart, legislative assembly is about participation. PTA members submit new positions to be added to WSPTA’s policy platform, volunteers on the advocacy committee, resolutions committee and board of directors review them, and delegates at legislative assembly amend, debate and vote on whether to adopt them.
This year, WSPTA is planning for legislative assembly to be a hybrid event for more inclusive participation. Delegates will be able to attend and vote in person at Bellevue College or remotely.
If you are interested in being a delegate, contact Kendall Hodson or Volunteer
Audit Committee (Off site – October)
Audit Committee (Virtual – Hybrid) in October
Audit Committee
4-6 hours in October
We need Volunteers: 3 volunteers
Contact : volunteer@viewridgeschool.org
An audit determines the accuracy of the books, detects inconsistencies or errors, provides recommendations for corrective action, protects the financial officers, verifies that funds were sent through channels as appropriate, and assures the membership that the association’s resources were managed in a businesslike manner within the regulations established for their use.
The person conducting the audit should always be impartial and not related by blood or marriage nor reside in the same household as the president or other financial officers or any chairmen handling funds.
The auditor is often a member of the budget, programs, or fundraising committees, but is never authorized to sign the PTA’s checks.
Learn more at http://toolkit.capta.org/finance/pta-audit/
After School Enrichment (In-Person 1.5 hours a week)
We are looking for a community of 5-8 volunteers to be the onsite Chaperone at the school for after school enrichment
Time : 2:15 – 4:25 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday
Perks of Volunteer : Early Access to all after school enrichment for your kid
Contact Kaelyn at afterschool@viewridgeschool.org if you are interested!
We cannot permit until 09/28 so we are starting out mid- October to mid-December!
We need 4-5 picture day volunteers to help out coordinating the students.
Contact volunteer@viewridgeschool.org
Board Members and Committee Leaders (Event or Year Round)
View Ridge PTA Board of Directors
Please visit this page to find out which positions are open.
PTA is an advocacy organization, and you can support in many ways whether in person or virtually.
Our PTA is made up of a community of volunteers who are working parents and solo parents. We want the spectrum of supporters to reflect our school community.
Communications Committee (Virtual)
Communications Committee (Virtual Volunteer)
Communications Committee
- Update on the Website
- Otter Know Constant Contact
- Social Media Graphics if you want
This is a great work from home volunteer.
Commitment : 1 hour a week!
Email Communications Chair : Margaret at communications@viewridgeschool.org
Outdoor Garden / Beautification Committee
Stay tuned!