Hello Students, Families and Staff of VRE!!
Seattle in May is a time of change. Spring is in full swing and with our luck the sun is out and shining. It’s the perfect time of year to tune up your bike and get ready to ride–right into summer and beyond! Bike every where and track of the number of minutes on a calendar. Fill out your calendar completely and turn them into our Bike-to-School box in the Main Office by June 2nd. Prizes will be delivered to your class the following week. Stay active and healthy, perhaps beat our record of participation or even win the coveted Golden Pedal Award.
Bike to School Day is Wednesday, May 10, 2017! Join thousands of other riders across the country on Bike to School Day.
Ms. Shaw and our volunteer will be stationed at the welcome table on the primary playground on Wednesday, May 10th, greeting riders with stickers to show Otter’s pride.
Volunteers are needed to lead bike trains to school from various neighborhood locations. Volunteers are also needed to pass out prizes on May 10th morning, please contact Ms. Shaw or Tien Mai .
Turn in the Calendars to the Bike2School box in the main office by June 2nd, to be tallied for school’s total. The calendar can be downloaded here: Bike/Walk Everywhere Challenge Calendar