The launch of the online Student Verification form will be delayed a few weeks. Our Student Systems staff downtown are working to resolve a few technical issues and expect the form to be available online no later than the end of September. View Ridge will still NOT send home paper verification forms with the first day packet (one less sheet of paper!) and instead ask families to confirm/update online through The Source once it is available. If for some reason you need a hard copy verification form, please contact the office.
In the meantime, we ask all families to register your email with the office and create your Source account, if you haven’t done so already. The Source can be found at this link. If you didn’t receive an email message from our principal, Ed Roos, last week welcoming you to school, or your child’s classroom assignment email from your teacher, then we very likely don’t have your email. You can email your correct email address to Rae Keyes in the front office, or call at 206.252.5600.
We are looking forward to the benefits of this new process and appreciate your patience.