Did you know that PTA Board Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month and are a wealth of information on the happenings at View Ridge? Each meeting there will be a Principal’s Update from Mr. Roos and Ms. McLane. There will be an ED TALK where Mr. Roos does a deeper dive on an education topic. And of course, updates from all our PTA committee chairs.
Did you know that Agendas and Minutes for each meeting are posted on our PTA website? Just look under the PTA menu.
Did you know that the approved minutes for the Sept. 19th meeting have recently been posted? Some highlights:
- During the Principal’s update Mr. Roos introduced us to our new Assistant Principal, Kristine McLane.
- Correction:
He also shared the surprising newsthat Ms. Connors will be taking on the role previously held by Ms. Boyle.that Ms. Connors is no longer Computer PCP.Students will now have Music PCP twice a week. - Our Co-Presidents gave an update about Bring A Grown-Up to Lunch. This year we’ll be trying a new approach. Instead of limiting a lunch time visit to only one day per school year – each school day is open to come and share lunch with your child. Just pick a day that works with your schedule, check-in at the front office, and treat your child to your undivided attention mid-day.
- The PTA also approved the discontinuation of Otter Bucks. The amount of volunteer time was out of balance with the revenue benefit to the PTA.
Did you know that the next PTA Board Meeting is on Tuesday, Nov. 7th at 7 pm in the Library? Come join us and be…in the know!