Our annual Halloween Carnival, Boo Ridge, is this week – Friday, October 25th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm! Please join us for games, prizes, Bingo and Cake Walk. The event is FREE to all.
Plan to bring the family in costume and join us for dinner. Big Dog’s will be selling hot dogs. Tacos el Guero will be selling tacos with vegetarian options available.
From 5:30-6:00 pm an early Sensory Friendly time will be available for those students and their families who would like to experience Boo Ridge in a more calm and quieter environment. The volume will be down, lights up and a few games will be set up in the gym. Noise canceling headphones will be available to sign out and Mr. Fitch has kindly offered to be there as a familiar and reassuring person.
It’s not too late to volunteer! If you are planning to attend the event, please consider signing up for a time shift that night. Do you have an older child who would like to help with the games? For student volunteers, middle school, high school or even college students are welcome. Do you have old party favors you would like to donate? We can use them for prizes. We also need more donations of baked goods and candy.
Thank you to those who have been helping prepare for the event and have already signed up!
Contact Megan Flaherty at VRBooRidge@gmail.com if you have any questions.