Girl Scout Troop 680 is a great opportunity for your daughter and a parent!
We are one of the largest and oldest troops in the area with a ton of unique opportunities for girls and their adults. We have two dad leaders and parents in the troop are a mix of moms, dads, and other adults. We have scouts from throughout the northeast Seattle area. Normally we meet on Tuesdays at Bryant Elementary from 7–8:15 pm when school is in session. This fall due to COVID-19, we’ll be meeting remotely every other week.
As a troop, we have fun working together on STEM activities, learning about women in leadership, doing community service projects, and enjoying the outdoors. We go on three camping trips each year and we have fun roller skating, tie-dying, launching rockets, dropping eggs from great heights, and more! We’ll continue to have fun as a troop while following the evolving health guidelines, whether meeting in person, outdoors, in small groups, or online.
Membership is open now and we have space for 3rd and 4th-grade girls. If interested, please email membership@gstroop680.
We look forward to seeing you and your daughter in Girl Scouts!