Our students and families are grateful to everyone who has supported our community over this past year. A big thank you to Flooring America for allowing us to use their parking lot. We have been able to make deliveries to Northeast families, the University District Food Bank and the Rainier Valley Food Bank.
Who: Eckstein Middle School Students and PTSA
Why: To support Eckstein and NE Seattle Families
When: Saturday June 12th 12 Noon-2PM
Where: Flooring America Parking Lot
3605 Northeast 45th Street
How: Volunteers in masks ready to take donations
Drive up – Donors can pop their trunk or pass donations through their windows.
Walk up- No-contact table where donors can walk up and deposit donations.
What: Food, hygiene and cleaning supplies, and gently used books and toys
Food: Soups, peanut butter and jelly, soups, shelf stable milk, pasta, tomato sauce, boxed cereals, oatmeal, any food easily opened or cooked by a school aged child.
Fun: Accepting gently used books for the Eckstein/Thornton Creek Supply closet and clean toys for Girl Scout Troop 40196 Gift Closet.
All items collected will be distributed back into our community.
If you wish to help on June 12th, please sign-up here:
Please contact Beth Cogan with any questions.